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Riverside Women's Ministry

Grow Your Faith. Build Relationships. Be Discipled.

Over the years, we’ve discovered that women rarely feel safe in a room full of other ladies. At Riverside, we want to heal that experience and help you experience meaningful community with other women. Throughout the year, we will offer a variety of opportunities to meet and connect, including fun socials, Bible studies, singles’ groups, date nights for couples, amazing retreats and one-on-one discipleship. We encourage you to step into one or more of these and to experience Christ-centered fellowship with other women. God never intended for you to do life alone, so come join us!

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Women's Events

A once per month time of fun and fellowship


Women's Groups

Ongoing groups that meet regularly

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As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

-Proverbs 27:17

Hear from Sarah

Meet the Prayer Ministry Leadership


Sarah Wilkerson 

Pastor of Women's & Prayer Ministry    

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